Good news and bad news…
First the good news.
Whew… After worrying for a quite a while and craming like crazy for my exams, I managed to clear my current semester.
Bad news?
My CAP has dropped to quite low, thanks to Maths and Electrical Engineering… Not rock bottom yet, but at 3.06, I can’t even fit into a honours classification…
Anyway… A friend of mine whose in the same course as me is trying to find out if we can transfer to a three-year course… And judging by how things are going… Hopefully we can…
Its been 2 weeks since I’ve re-enlisted and I haven’t blog about it yet, so here goes…
As what Guo Wei had said, I was posted to S2 branch and was quite surprised to see a familiar face there, 1SG Yeap. Dunno why everyone don’t quite like him but to me, he’s quite a nice guy. Just yesterday, he treated us to KFC, w00t
In terms of office space and manpower, the S2 branch is quite small. Two officers, a couple of Int Specs and an Int Clerk (excluding me… I’m just an extra there). Quite a nice place to be at, the people are great and the workload ain’t too much (well… at least for me =P). The only bad thing to be posted to S2 branch was that they’ve been assigned to plan a NDP event, the Dynamic Defense Display, for the Army side. So with my diploma and undergrad studies in a computing related field, I’ve been assigned to do some map drawing on the laptop in the branch. Sometimes I do feel I’m back in Support Coy… With all the cancelled and recalled night’s out due to the NDP event.
Went to the NDP site twice during the past weeks and all I can say is that the seating area is really small… And its kind of weird with all the constructions going on at the background of the floating platform. Think I’m gonna go back there again on the coming Wednesday for the rehearsal. So close to civilisation and yet so far…
lol. sergeant yeap. int spec? who else is still there?? just finished exams today! woot. i’ll be back 29th june…cya guys soon!
Desmond resumed with us, so is Yong Kai, the signal platoon guy
Sgt Yeap got promoted to SSG, so gotta call him encik liao, haha
Not much familiar faces, Bravo OC became S1, then some of the regular specs during 11th Mono stayed on in 12th Mono. Saw Warrant Neo a couple of times also, he’s now the Int WO at G2 branch