Sort of finished two assignments for term break (gosh… amazing how time goes by so quickly), the XML-RPC one for my CS3103 and report 2 for my CS2103.
The XML-RPC assignment was the first serious coding for this semester… I coded a web service, a server and a client for that assignment. Sounds ‘chim’ right? Actually it’s not. The ‘server’ is actually some codes to open a port and to publish the web service. The client just take some simple value(s), pass it to the server and display the replies. The hard part was the web service, where most of the logic lies. Took me about two days of coding to get it done. Sheesh…
Did most of the work for CS2103 today. Drew up most of the required diagram and we just need to tie up some loose ends before it’s due next Saturday.
Gotta start studying for my mid terms…