
Now with the balloting of tutorials over and tutorials starting this week, school is kicking into high gear. And for this semester, I have a total of 3 assignments out of 4 modules… I think my acne is gonna come back with a vengeance…

The image below is my timetable for this semester… A little screwed up with the one hour and two hour class on Monday and Wednesday respectively. Most screwed up is that I couldn’t get the class I want for CS3235 on Tuesday… Now I have an hour’s break, follow by an hour’s class, then another hour’s break before having my last hour of tutorial… Dang…

And a paper on my birthday… Nice…


Oh, and if you’re free also during my break, you can ask me out for lunch. ;D

Kee Wee

Kee Wee is an IT Specialist specialising in High Availability and Messaging solutions. He is a curious person who likes to build things and figure out how stuff works. This is where he share his thoughts with the world.

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